Monday, July 16, 2012

Sam's somgh dough

“BOO!” said sam.  “HOT WHEELS, why are you eating the dinner plate?”
sam and HOT WHEELS were at a restaurant.  “but that’s how I keep
safing ercs and tyer er . . . 12 34 56 78 90 DITHDITHDTH. (my way of saying eating).” Said HOT WHEELS.  BUT THEN . . .   DITHDUMDITHDUMDITHDDUMDITHDUMDITHDUMDITHDUM !
  “ what was that?” said sam. “oh,” said HOT WHEELS “that was just me, Burping.”
“HOT WHEELS!” said sam.  But then . . . 
sam fell  asleep.  But then  . . . HRHHRHHRHHRHHRHRHHRHRHHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRHR & then ,  a tree ate them all  up. 
in the tree’s roots,
sam red a story.  oliver and the super heros get banged up


Ahh!  What a beautiful day!

Friends forever


What a noisy city!

I'll punch you in the face if you don't give me that mouse!

You can't get me now!  Meanwhile what a beautiful and quiet park.

Don't put me in that water!

What a nice drink!

Help, I'm stuck!

Do I have to rreally have to eat the vegetables before I eat the meat?!!

You can't get away this time!  Yeowser!

Why are you looking at us like that, Mr. Bird?  Are you nervous or something?

What a nice yoga mat!

You can't get away, you toy!

But I wanted a drink!

Is this a water dispenser or what could it be anyway?

I'm ready to go the restaurant.  Hope they cook some nice fish.